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The Perfect Millennial Business

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6 min read

The generation of i-everything and social media royalty gets a bad rap for being lazy and a little self-centered. That’s not been my experience. I see millennials as the generation of creativity, innovation and hustle. Look at some of the most valuable companies and how many were started by millennials in their teens and twenties. It’s an idealistic group full of budding entrepreneurs.

Mentorship, Leadership and the Next Generation

One of the best characteristics of the new generation is the desire for mentorship. Many millennials learned that following a mentor avoids the expensive mistakes we watched our gen x parents make in business. We know enough to know we don’t yet know enough, and we are not only willing to listen, we are searching for someone willing to teach us.

That’s why franchising is a such a great fit for millennials. It’s an opportunity for a new entrepreneur to follow someone else through the minefield of business rather than operate on hope alone. A franchise owner gets the benefit of a proven system and support from “been-there-done-that” franchise companies as well as peer support from other business owners.

Make Your Mark

From the generation that perfected social media, Uber and avocado toast, there’s a lot of innovation the millennials bring to the table. Franchising allows you to bring your technology savvy and hustle to your own business without the risk and stress of starting from scratch. It’s a level playing field. You don’t have to play politics with your boss, make half the pay as the boomer you replaced at work or sacrifice your values to succeed. It’s a perfect fit for the generation.

If you want to learn about franchises for millennials or any generation, we can help. Contact us for FREE assistance at 720.805.0444 or jhouston@franchoice.com.

Jessica Houston, Franchise Consultant

Electus Franchising

#franchising #businesscoach #entrepreneur #millennial #millennialbusiness #mentorship

Written by

Jessica Houston

Business Coach

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